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Arts in Liberal Arts

The Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts is designed for students with previous learning experience at undergraduate level at other Institutions. This program provides students with the opportunity to complete a bachelor’s degree and prepare them to compete for entry level positions in a specific area or discipline or apply for a graduate program. The students must choose one of the five major tracks: Psychology, Communications, Business Administration, Education, Biology or Religion. This program is not designed to meet licensure requirements.

Employment Opportunities

  • Students may continue graduate studies in the chosen discipline: Communications, Business, Education, or Biology.
  • Entry-level positions in advertising assistant, Archivist, financial analyst assistant, accounting assistant, biology research assistant, lab assistant, teacher assistant, writer, religion teacher.
Foto del programa
three people having conversation - tres personas hablando
Grado de estudio
División Académica
Área de interés:

Science in Criminology

The Bachelor of Science in Criminology allows students to understand the causes of criminality, how society reacts to it and the interrelations between law and society. It includes learning from a humanistic and interdisciplinary approach, theories of crime and methods used to study crime, law and society. This program provides students with a broad perspective on the complex relationships between legal, social, political, historical and psychological influences that affect criminality, justice and legal processes.

Employment Opportunities

  • Marshall
  • Public Security
  • Administrative positions in government agencies
  • Positions related to and supporting criminal investigations
Foto del programa
escena crimen - crime scene
Grado de estudio
División Académica
Área de interés:

Arts in Graphic Design

The Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design prepares the student to work as a graphic designer, who will master the language of design, both in its visual and non-visual dimensions and will face new physical, technological, social and cultural worlds. Graduates of the Graphic Design bachelor's program will be trained to properly judge the quality and effectiveness of design projects through rigorous use of current thinking in the field of design. As a graphic designer, you can be: Creative Director, Package Designer, Textile Designer, Corporate Identity Designer, Brand Designer, Advertising Designer, Art Director, and Print Director.

Employment Opportunities

  • Graphic designer
  • Creative director
  • Package designer
  • Textile designer
  • Corporate identity designer
  • Brand designer
  • Advertising designer

*VA/Military benefits approved program.

Foto del programa
diseñador usando computadora - designer using computer
Grado de estudio
División Académica
Área de interés:

Science in Health Services Management

The Bachelor of Science in Health Services Management prepares the students to perform successfully in primary and intermediate management in health service organizations. What distinguishes these professionals are their knowledge in the field of public health, in the field of management and integration of both fields. In this way, it will ensure the balance between the provision of public health services and an effective administration.

Employment Opportunities

  • Primary and intermediate management levels in public or private sectors
  • Assisted living administrators
  • Health information manager
  • Healthcare compliance manager

*VA/Military benefits approved program.

Foto del programa
meeting of health professionals - grupo de profesionales de la salud reunidos
Grado de estudio
División Académica
Área de interés:

Business Administration in Management

The Bachelor of Business Administration in Management prepares students with skills that meets the business demands and fill administrative positions in government or private organizations. The manager is responsible for the management of the company and must be committed to effectively use the resources of the organization to achieve the company’s goals and mission.

Employment Opportunities

  • Manager
  • Administrative Service
  • Entrepreneur

*VA/Military benefits approved program.

Foto del programa
woman working in office - mujer trabajando en oficina
Grado de estudio
División Académica
Área de interés:

Administration in Organizational Development

The Bachelor of Business Administration in Organizational Development prepares professionals with the necessary skills to promote the development of public and private organizations from the perspective of the development of human talent. The emphasis is on organizational design, integrating internal and external elements that influence the productivity and motivation of the individual and that can impact the operation of the company.

Employment Opportunities

  • Human Resources Generalist
  • Director of the Organizational Development Division
  • Organizational Development Consultant


Foto del programa
group of enployees - grupo de empleados
Grado de estudio
División Académica
Área de interés:

Administration in Human Resources Management

The Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resources develops professionals with the knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies required to perform technical, administrative, managerial and research functions in public and private organizations at the local and international scenarios. Emphasis in the development of competencies, aligned to the changing environments of the management of human resources, in training the students as analysts or specialists in the essential functions of management and administration of human resources in the organizations.


Employment Opportunities

  • Human Resource Manager
  • Compensation and Benefits Manager
  • Training and Development Manager

*VA/Military benefits approved program.



Foto del programa
grupo de empleados - group of employees
Grado de estudio
División Académica
Área de interés:

Arts in Public Relations and Advertising

This program prepares students to work in the field of public relations and advertising, both in public and private agencies and / or in their own companies. Students can work on developing and executing strategies in these fields.

Employment Opportunities

  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Communication Specialist
  • Media Specialist
  • Publicist
  • Press Secretary for Government Agencies


Foto del programa
team working - equipo de trabajo
Grado de estudio
División Académica

Science in Psychology

The Bachelor of Science in Psychology prepares graduates to continue graduate studies in all areas of professional practice of psychology (psychological counseling, clinical psychology, school psychology, industrial /organizational psychology). In addition, the student will acquire knowledge and skills that will allow them to perform research, prevention and provision of basic services in mental health care.

Employment Opportunities

  • Case Manager
  • Mental Health Case Manager
  • Substance Abuse Case Manager
  • Geriatric Case Manager
  • Clinical Case Manager

*VA/Military benefits approved program.

Foto del programa
psicologo y paciente - psychologist and patient
Grado de estudio
División Académica
Área de interés:

Science in Nursing

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing prepares graduates for the requirements of the NCLEX-RN examination offered by the National Council of State Board of Nursing (NCSBN). The BSN is approved by the Florida Board of Nursing. The curriculum integrates professional standards and competencies from the NLN Outcomes and Competencies for Graduates of Nursing Programs, the American Nurses Association (ANA) Scope and Standards of Practice, QSEN, Florida Board of Nursing Guidelines, and Healthy People 2030. Students will utilize the nursing process in assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation of persons, families, and communities in diverse health care environments. The development of the teaching-learning process through critical thinking, clinical judgement, decision-making, problem-solving, collaborative teamwork and telehealth is promoted. These skills are within the context of the ethical-legal aspects of professional relations, and the value of life, health, and dignity of the whole person. A concentrated focus on the nurse as a leader to advocate for improved quality care, systemic change, and the unique role nursing contributes to the healthcare system is included. The curriculum consists of 120 credits and 825 combined clinical/simulation hours in medical, surgical, obstetric, pediatric, geriatric, psychiatric/mental health, and critical care nursing experience in appropriate facilities.

Employment Opportunities

  • Registered Nurse
  • Career/Technical Education Teachers
  • Critical Care Nurses


The following information applies to the Associate of Science, Bachelor of Science, Master of Science and Doctorate in Nursing Programs at the South Florida campus:

Effective September 8, 2022, this nursing program is a candidate for initial accreditation by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing. This candidacy status expires on September 8, 2024.

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326 is external)
Note: Upon granting of initial accreditation by the ACEN Board of Commissioners, the effective date of initial accreditation is the date on which the nursing program was approved by the ACEN as a candidate program that concluded in the Board of Commissioners granting initial accreditation.

The following information applies to the Associate of Science, Bachelor of Science, Master of Science and Doctorate in Nursing Programs at the Tampa Bay campus:

Effective December 13, 2022, this nursing program is a candidate for initial accreditation by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing. This candidacy status expires on December 13, 2024.

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000 is external)
Note: Upon granting of initial accreditation by the ACEN Board of Commissioners, the effective date of initial accreditation is the date on which the nursing program was approved by the ACEN as a candidate program that concluded in the Board of Commissioners granting initial accreditation.

Foto del programa
enfermera ayudando a adulto mayor - nurse helping old man
Grado de estudio
División Académica
Área de interés:
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