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ecnico de  farmacia con tableta en la mano verificando medicamentos - Pharmacy Technician with a tablet verifying medicines
Associate Degree
Applied Science in Pharmacy Technician

The Program of Associate Applied Science (AAS) in Pharmacy Technician aspires to develop students with the knowledge and skills to perform as an important component of the teamwork of a pharmacy. The students will have the opportunity to acquire knowledge through didactic courses directed to know the most important aspects of this field. The program will also provide the opportunity to develop the techniques and skills that will enable the student to work with a high level of competence. The Pharmacy Technician is the professional that helps the Pharmacist to dispatch medication prescribed by the doctor, under the supervision of the authorized Pharmacist.

The auxiliary is qualified to work in the hospital pharmacy, community pharmacy, as well as any other licensed distributor of pharmaceutical products. The dispatch of meds implies a series of activities in sequence that consists among others in taking care of the patient; receive and interpret the received prescription; select the product; as well as the appropriate delivery package; to verify dose; to prepare simple solutions, ointments and other pharmaceutical preparations; to carry out suitable labeling using computerized systems and computation of prices.

Employment Opportunities

  • Certified Pharmacy Technician
  • Lead Pharmacy Technician
  • Front Counter Clerk
  • Pharmacy Cashier
  • Pharmacy Assistant



*VA/Military benefits approved program.

On Campus

Metro Orlando Campus
South Florida Campus
Tampa Bay Campus

Area of interest
Health & well-being